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    API und Wordpress Hauptbild
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    What are APIs and how are they related to WordPress

    WordPress is one of the standard solutions in web development worldwide. The content management system (CMS) convinces with flexibility, security and maximum freedom in customization. This also includes the connection of interfaces to other programs, so-called APIs. In this article we explain as a WordPress agency, what APIs are for and how they can be easily connected to the CMS.

    What are APIs?

    API stands for Application Programming Interface and represents a framework for programming your applications. Which commands and functions integrated into these applications are similarly free as the usable programming language. Some APIs focus on internal functions of a website or an online store, others enable the user of a website to interact dynamically.

    A ready-made API acts as a programming interface. It thus enables a connection between a content management system and other digital content, for example. The API allows communication and is intended to enable an exchange between applications and content that originally have little to do with each other.

    Useful applications of APIs

    For example, WordPress websites can be equipped with these functions via a programming interface:

    • One integrates a chatbot into your website as a digital customer service.
    • The stock level is checked in real time when an order is placed in your online store.
    • Integration of external media content such as YouTube videos.
    • Transmission of entered address data directly to real-timeshipping partners.

    These and other functions have one thing in common: They are not explicitly interesting for WordPress websites. They are universal functions and applications that could be made available to other programs and systems with the right API as an interface. This distinguishes them, for example, WordPress plugins, which are add-on programs developed explicitly for users of this content management system.

    The difference from the rest API of the system

    WordPress users will already know the term API without having thought about the integration of external interfaces. The system has its programming interface, called Rest API. This has the task of ensuring a secure and reliable exchange between the system and the connected database.

    All content of the CMS, from article text to photos and logos, is managed via a database structure. Just one interface makes communication possible between two separate, digital worlds: a database without reference to web development and the technical and visual structure of a website.

    The Rest API explicitly fulfills the aforementioned task. It cannot be used to integrate a chatbot or YouTube videos, for example. Other interfaces are necessary for this in order to technically realize all user wishes.

    How to connect an API with WordPress?

    As a WordPress agency, we know from practical experience that many customers have specific ideas about content and additional features of their website. Here, no thought is given to the technical realization, which already involves a certain amount of work when integrating YouTube videos. For a professional agency, it is therefore important to find solutions and create interfaces between the WordPress website and other digital applications.

    Integration is possible via PHP, for example using a special plugin. Through this externally written programming code can be integrated into the WordPress website. Also, an integration in the file functions.php of the used WordPress theme is an elegant solution.

    Both variants should mean little to laymen in the field of web development. A lot can be done wrong here, if the experience in the integration of interfaces or other applications is missing. For special requests that go beyond the content spectrum of the CMS with its themes and plugins, it is therefore essential to rely on an experienced WordPress agency.

    What role plays the speed of APIs

    Content management systems like WordPress and the themes and plugins programmed for it are technically coordinated. This is true at least with a regular check for updates to ensure the functionality, security, and speed of the additional programs.

    This is not automatically the case with APIs, as the connected functions and applications are not explicitly designed for WordPress. This can slow down the website if the interface used slows down performance and data exchange.

    ONELINE, as a WordPress agency, advises checking the impact of the API on the page loading speed. Not every API is recommended without further ado, especially if other elements of the website already threaten to influence the page speed.

    If a negative effect is found, it is not necessary to fundamentally abandon the interface. Instead, site operators should rely on an external partner in web development who can make an adaptation of the API specifically for the connection with WordPress. There are often several starting points, for example, abandoning various commands and additional functions to speed up the interface.

    Do I even need WordPress APIs?

    With the above possible disadvantages, you may shy away from the general use of interfaces. And of course, a WordPress website can be operated with a variety of functions and plugins without creating a separate interface for applications. Two aspects to consider:

    1. Not every API is related to how customers and prospects use your website. Some APIs perform purely internal tasks, for example, to promote security for logins and other internal processes. Thus, there need not be a negative impact on page speed.
    2. Not every integration of an interface fulfills the purpose that page operators hope for in advance. The use of a chatbot may not fit the target group or the contact preferences of one’s target group. Linking YouTube videos externally may serve the same purpose as an internal integration. Just because an interface is technically feasible, it does not automatically fulfill purposes such as process acceleration or strengthening one’s brand.

    Gain security with WordPress APIs with professional help

    The development and use of interfaces goes beyond the simple standards of use, and not only for content management systems. Expertise is required here, not only to determine the benefits and technical feasibility of the desired interface. The use of a suitable programming language for the respective purposes must also be considered.

    For all these issues, working with an experienced programmer or expert in web development is essential. A WordPress agency like ONELINE offer besides the pure implementation of simple websites diverse support in areas such as performance marketing, SEO, and branding. In all these areas, professional implementation of the APIs is crucial to not negatively affect the speed and performance of a website and to ensure the best possible user experience for site visitors.

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