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    Retargeting via email marketing – 15 tips for successful campaigns

    Not every customer contact ends with a purchase. Online marketing offers the opportunity to bring back these bounced prospects.

    Retargeting through emails is one of the most effective measures in digital marketing.It is specifically targeted at people who have already demonstrated their basic interest.

    It is important for companies to take advantage of the high potential of retargeting – also called remarketing. The following tips show how to do this successfully.

    15 tips for remarketing via email

    Here is an overview:

    15 Tips for remarketing by e-mail

    Emails are the most cost-effective way to successfully convey remarketing messages. The following 15 tips show which aspects are crucial here.

    Forming a stable data basis

    A first important step is to gather information about the people to be targeted. The success of remarketing stands and falls with the quality of the data used. If a customer management system (CMS) is in place, the necessary information is already available. The amount of data can vary from customer to customer and depends on how the previous contact was structured.

    Identify initial situations for the retargeting campaign

    An abandoned shopping cart or a regular website visit without newsletter subscription – retargeting is applicable for customers in every decision phase. For the design of the campaign it is important to consider the initial situation of the target person.

    Segment retargeting targets

    Segmenting the target group facilitates the further design process of the campaigns. For example, it makes sense to separate repeat visitors without a previous purchase from the “real” customers. This makes it possible to tailor the retargeting message in the emails to the specific situation of the target persons.

    Determine retargeting goals through email marketing

    The desired result of a remarketing campaign via email does not have to be a purchase or a booking. Retargeting offers the advantage of being able to target a variety of goals. It is important to define a realistic target state. This should harmonize with the basic corporate goals and be set within a time frame.

    Refine address and text content

    Copy, paste, and the retargeting email is ready – taking the seemingly easy route quickly pays off. In remarketing, a target group-specific approach is essential. An e-mail for reactivating customer contacts should contain a personal address. It is ideal if the further content refers to previous events.

    Perfect the pre-header

    Many email providers display the first lines of content. It is crucial for success to attract the attention of the target person already with this so-called pre-header. Only if the preview appears interesting will the addressee open the e-mail. Ideally, the pre-header refers directly to the benefits that come with reading the message.

    Highlight advantages for the addressees

    Ineffective retargeting via e-mail often fails due to the lack of added value for the recipient. The key is to give the customer an incentive to continue the contact. General sales arguments are not enough. It is better to hold out the prospect of a time-limited savings opportunity (e.g. “Save 15% on any product – only until Sunday evening”). A reference to new products that the target customer might like is also a useful element.

    Tip: Successful retargeting requires know-how and experience. The professional digital marketing agency ONELINE specializes in email marketing. It supports interested partners in creating customer-oriented campaigns that inspire.

    Include media content in the emails

    Images and/or videos are an indispensable addition to emails, as long as they are balanced with the text content. In remarketing campaigns, media content helps to capture the attention of the addressees. Depending on the target group and brand identity, it is also possible to integrate GIFs or other formats.

    Remember the CTA and the opt-out option

    The goal of retargeting is to encourage the customer to take a certain action. This should appear in the email in the form of a call to action (CTA). Equally important is an opt-out option that allows the addressee to remove themselves from the email list. In the EU, this is a prerequisite for legally compliant marketing by e-mail.

    Ensure a responsive design of the emails

    It is estimated that around half of all Internet users open incoming e-mails on their smartphones. In B2B and other business areas, the desktop PC continues to play a major role. A best practice is to design responsive remarketing emails. They flexibly adapt the layout to the end device used.

    Schedule the sending of the e-mails

    If a customer has just visited the website, this is a good moment to send a retargeting email. Another opportunity is in the 24 hours after the purchase process has been cancelled. A powerful CMS provides the relevant information. Scheduling emails for remarketing purposes increases the open rate and thus the success rate of the campaign.

    Conduct thorough A/B testing

    A thorough trial phase shows whether the remarketing campaign actually produces the desired results. A/B tests initially check the effectiveness of the retargeting strategy on a small group of customers. For this purpose, several e-mails are used that differ visually and/or in terms of content. This shows which design and wording generates the best response.

    Rely on a multi-stage campaign

    One email is often not enough when it comes to remarketing. At the same time, sending too many emails is counterproductive. If the customer feels inconvenienced by the retargeting, the campaign misses its purpose. In most cases, three emails are an appropriate number. The time interval between them should be tailored to the customer’s reaction.

    Include service emails in remarketing strategy

    If the target person proves receptive to the retargeting message, a purchase or booking is likely. At this point, it’s important to stay in touch.

    Emails with service character should be a part of the remarketing campaign. This includes, for example, order or booking confirmation and shipping status notification. Continued service conveys to the customer that their decision to re-establish the relationship was the right one.

    Continuously optimize the retargeting campaign

    Customer behavior and interests provide valuable information to make the strategy even more profitable. They are changeable. For long-term success, new data should continuously flow into remarketing. The campaign is only effective if it is tailored precisely to the target person(s).

    Implement successful retargeting through email marketing

    Remarketing is directed at people who have already shown initial interest in a company’s offer. E-mails are the optimal way to reactivate promising customer contacts. The decisive factor is to personalize the campaign in terms of timing, content and appearance for the people addressed.

    Compared to other marketing methods, the success rate of this measure is above average – provided it is implemented correctly. As an experienced digital marketing agency, ONELINE helps to optimize retargeting by e-mail.

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