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    E-Mail Marketing Agency


    Newsletter & Co.: E-mail marketing as a central advertising tool

    E-mail marketing is a sub-discipline of online marketing and thus forms an important channel in the marketing mix. Its primary purpose is to acquire new customers and to bind existing customers to a company in the long term. Successful email marketing can encourage people without an interest in buying or individual buyers to make regular purchases by drawing their attention to new products and promotions in a targeted manner. Email marketing is one of the most effective forms of advertising within digital marketing. By sending out mails, customers and potential new customers can be reached quickly, regularly and cost-effectively.

    Email Marketing Agency Zurich

    For which companies is email marketing worthwhile?

    Regardless of whether it’s a small start-up or a large corporation – marketing via e-mails can be useful and profitable for every type of company. Because email marketing is one of the best ways to build a personal relationship with the recipient. Since readers have actively decided to sign up for your newsletter, you can assume that they have a basic interest in your company. You should take advantage of these opportunities to build lasting trust with your readership.

    The advantages of email marketing at a glance

    But in times of Instagram, Facebook and the like, why should you also rely on email marketing? What are the advantages of this rather classic way compared to other communication channels? All in all, e-mails are a cost-effective and efficient way to digitally market your own product. Those who previously relied on classic direct mail advertising will find that e-mails are a cost-effective and resource-saving alternative to traditional communication channels. Moreover, e-mail software providers are often very cost-effective and even free of charge up to a certain range.

    Moreover, e-mails offer the possibility to get in touch with customers directly. In contrast to marketing measures in social media, which are always directed at groups, emails can be personally addressed to the individual customer. With special tools and key figures, the success of email marketing can also be precisely measured, which is not possible in this form with all social media. So email marketing should not be left out of the planning and implementation of your individual marketing strategy.

    Different types of emails

    Anyone who wants to do successful email marketing should be aware of the different types of emails and how they are used. In general, three groups of emails can be differentiated: automated emails, marketing emails and transactional emails. The latter primarily serves the purpose of notifying the customer about transactions. These include, for example, order and shipping confirmations, information on credit or points balances as well as newsletter confirmation e-mails.

    In addition, there are automated mailings – these include welcome mails, vouchers or birthday mails. These are mainly used to keep the customer interested and to bind them to the company in the long term.

    Finally, marketing mails such as the classic newsletter, invitations to events, information on new products or sales letters can be used to promote specific products and promotions. The aim is to arouse the customer’s or potential new customer’s interest in buying.

    Profitable for your own company

    E-Mail Marketing working Agency

    What are the successful factors for making effective email marketing? The basis for implementing a successful email marketing campaign is first of all building an email list. In addition, the choice of a suitable email software or newsletter service is indispensable for email marketing. It is important – especially when sending newsletters – to always maintain the added value of your mails. In the best case, your newsletter mailings should captivate the readership with high-quality, interesting content.

    Also, the intervals between the mails must not be too long, because this way your company will quickly be forgotten by the customers. Conversely, the time between the individual mails must not be too short. Otherwise there is a danger of scaring off customers with too many mails and causing them to unsubscribe from your newsletter. Nevertheless, you should generally ensure a certain regularity here. The registration form for your newsletter must also be kept as simple as possible. After all, the more you ask of your website visitors, the higher their threshold is to sign up for the newsletter.

    It is also important to look at the statistics of your email campaigns at regular intervals and to adjust your measures accordingly in order to maintain and – optimally – increase the number of newsletter subscribers.

    Hire an email marketing agency

    Email marketing may have numerous benefits for your business, but there are a few things you have to pay attention to in order to actually achieve the desired goals. Often, however, the necessary know-how or sufficient time to deal with this topic in depth is lacking.

    At this point, it is worthwhile to place email marketing in professional hands. Don’t hesitate and contact us – as a professional email marketing agency, we are at your side with experience and expertise. We will be happy to address your personal concerns regarding e-mail marketing and tailor the use of mailings to your individual case. From conception to implementation to tracking – we support you from the very beginning in the implementation of your mailing campaigns.


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