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    WordPress Cookie Plugins – when to use a plugin?

    No candy and yet on everyone’s lips: cookies. They allow operators to offer their website visitors an even better user experience. According to a data protection directive, users from the EU must give their digital permission for this. In WordPress, this is possible with the help of special tools. This article explains in which cases cookie plugins are required.

    What are cookies?

    Cookies are data packets that websites and internet browsers generate. Their main purpose is to recognize the user and make it easier for him to visit the site again. For example, language settings or form data are retained without the user having to enter them again.

    What gives users a pleasant website visit provides operators with valuable insights for online marketing. Tracking cookies provide deep insight into user behavior. They are able to track the visitor’s path across multiple services and websites.

    In addition, there are technically necessary cookies that contribute to the smooth functionality of the site. In stores, for example, they allow trouble-free payment processing.

    These requirements apply to the use of cookies

    In May 2018, the EU had extended the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). From then on, all website operators had to refer to the guidelines on the use of cookies in their privacy policy.

    Two years later, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) extended the law through a ruling. Now website owners must obtain users’ consent to data storage and processing. The opt-in must be active, voluntary and after prior information on the first visit.

    In the near future, the EU’s ePrivacy Regulation is expected to further tighten the tracking requirements. Reason enough to implement the cookie directive on the website already today. In WordPress, this is done through cookie plugins – also called Consent Tools.

    With a specialized WordPress agency like ONELINE at your side, the implementation is fast and uncomplicated.

    A consent tool for WordPress is the easiest way to obtain consent for data collection on the website. There is a wide choice, although not all plugins comply with the EU directive.

    A reputable program has at least the following features:

    • It activates cookies only after the user gives consent.
    • It bypasses adblockers set by the user.
    • It has an attractive interface with clearly visible buttons.
    • It offers the possibility to divide the cookies into categories.
    • It blocks the content of external service providers until the opt-in is active.

    Important: The technical features of the tool should be checked regularly, because the EU is continuously expanding the ePrivacy guidelines.

    Which purpose the cookies serve plays a central role for the use of Consent Tools in WordPress.

    Use of technically necessary cookies

    These so-called session cookies ensure the smooth functionality of the site and store, for example, the login status or shopping cart content.

    For purely technical cookies, user consent is not required. But: Almost all websites use several types of cookies, so that a plugin makes sense in any case.

    Use of tracking cookies for online marketing

    Creating user profiles, evaluating user behavior, retargeting: in digital marketing, there are numerous uses for tracking cookies. A plugin ensures that the corresponding data is collected in a DSGVO-compliant manner with a clear opt-in from the visitor.

    Integration of external services into the website

    External services on your own site also collect data. These include YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or Google Maps, among others. Legally compliant cookie plugins block third-party content until the visitor gives his explicit consent.

    What is the significance of cookies for digital marketing?

    In online marketing, extensive knowledge about the surfing behavior of users on one’s own site is worth its weight in gold. In the area of web development, they are used to make the store, the corporate blog or the company website more customer-oriented.

    Cookies with tracking function are also helpful in digital marketing, as they provide information about the interests of users. The information makes it easier to create profiles of users and play out personalized advertising.

    It is therefore advantageous for website operators if as many visitors as possible agree to the cookie use. This is easy to control with the following measures.

    In the digital age, Internet users surf more consciously. They think twice about which websites they give permission to store and process their data. Visitors are more likely to consent to cookie use if they trust the website. This insight is a helpful basis for web design.

    • Prerequisites for getting more users to opt-in to cookies:
    • Professional web design with high security.
    • Transparent listing of all services that access the data.
    • Clear division of cookies into categories.
    • Highly visible opt-in button.
    • Reference to the possibility of revoking consent later.
    • Easily understandable information about the purpose of the data collection.

    Those who take these confidence-building measures into account already during web development will be rewarded more often by visitors with cookie consent. Support here is provided by a specialized WordPress agency like ONELINE.

    Anyone who provides their website for users in the EU must take into account the European Union’s GDPR Directive. Website operators are obliged to inform visitors about the storage and processing of user-relevant data through cookies. If these are not technically necessary, the visitor must actively consent to their use.

    With special plugins, implementing the cookie policy in WordPress is child’s play. The tool should harmonize with the web design of the site as well as be legally compliant and flexibly adjustable. As a professional WordPress agency, ONELINE helps its partners to make their website privacy compliant.

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