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    Increase Newsletter recipients

    Increase newsletter recipients


    Electronic information and advertising letters belong to the firmly established marketing instruments of a company. Companies use newsletters to achieve customer loyalty and generate new customers. They adapt them to the needs of their target group. This is how companies achieve sales growth. This is because customers participate in sales campaigns if they are lucrative. Therefore, companies – especially the marketing and sales departments – ask themselves: How can the number of newsletter recipients be increased?


    What is the difference between successful and less successful email marketing?

    It is expressed in the number of newsletter recipients. At the very least, the number is an important distinguishing feature. In second place is the newsletter content.

    ONELINE points out that good newsletter marketing only goes hand in hand with a regular increase in newsletter recipients.

    What are the advantages of a high number of newsletter recipients?

    A continuous increase in newsletter recipients raises the profile of the company.
    Those who increase the number of readers generate higher sales.
    An increase in newsletter recipients implies new customer acquisition.
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    Essential reasons to increase more newsletter recipients

    Multiple, diverse sources are an indispensable foundation

    One of the common mistakes is limiting the newsletter to a single channel. Instead, successfully increasing newsletter recipients starts with identifying the target group.

    Retargeting is a good method

    Retargeting campaigns via Google Ads or Facebook are a simple and practical way to remind users that they have visited the website. By offering a discount as a welcome gift after newsletter registration, companies increase the number of newsletter recipients.

    Newsletter as an effective tool

    Newsletters are an effective tool to promote new products or services, offer discounts or draw attention to upcoming events.

    Strengthen customer loyalty through newsletters

    Newsletter recipients are often regular customers who regularly show interest in the company’s products or services. Regular contact via the newsletter can strengthen customer loyalty.

    Essential reasons to increase more newsletter recipients

    Multiple, diverse sources are an indispensable foundation

    One of the common mistakes is limiting the newsletter to a single channel. Instead, successfully increasing newsletter recipients starts with identifying the target group.

    Retargeting is a good method

    Retargeting campaigns via Google Ads or Facebook are a simple and practical way to remind users that they have visited the website. By offering a discount as a welcome gift after newsletter registration, companies increase the number of newsletter recipients.

    Newsletter as an effective tool

    Newsletters are an effective tool to promote new products or services, offer discounts or draw attention to upcoming events.

    Strengthen customer loyalty through newsletters

    Newsletter recipients are often regular customers who regularly show interest in the company’s products or services. Regular contact via the newsletter can strengthen customer loyalty.

    Ways to get more newsletter recipients

    Registration on your own website: Companies can provide a registration form for the newsletter on their website. This way, visitors can leave their email address directly and are automatically added to the distribution list.

    Use social media channels: Companies can draw attention to the newsletter on their social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn and invite their followers to subscribe.

    Sweepstakes or discount promotions: Companies can encourage their target group to sign up for the newsletter by offering attractive competitions or exclusive discount promotions only for newsletter subscribers.

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    Webinars magically attract interested readers

    Webinars are usually free of charge for readers. In addition, they deliver content that represents real added value for the users. If the webinar has fulfilled the expectations of the readers, they remain loyal to the company and at best recommend it to others.


    The choice of topic determines the success or failure of the webinar.

    If the topic is attractive to the audience, they will remain loyal to the company after the event. If, on the other hand, the topic has disappointed the audience’s expectations, the target audience will unsubscribe from the newsletter.

    Frequently asked questions about
    Increase Newsletter Recipients

    Does a list with a small number of recipients constitute the basis for the company’s demise?

    This question cannot be answered with either a “yes” or a “no”. Because with email marketing, it’s reader engagement that counts. For companies, it pays off more to send newsletters to recipients who respond to the emails. A mass of recipients who neither read the newsletters nor react to them makes little sense.

    How can companies increase the number of newsletter recipients?

    Companies increase the number of their readers by hosting webinars, using newsletter pop-ups, offering discount vouchers and welcome gifts. Such incentives act as motivation to subscribe to the newsletter.

    What is a Welcome Mat?

    A Welcome Mat can be compared to a surprise egg for children, because a Welcome Mat is not made of chocolate, but instead it is a bar. It covers the content. It also contains a box that invites you to subscribe to the newsletter or download content.

    Where should the registration form be located on the blog page for interested, potential, and new newsletter recipients?

    Since website visitors regularly take a look at the company blog, companies benefit from the correct placement of the registration form. Generally, this should be located on several sub-pages. The registration form should not be missing on the main page of the blog. Whether it is placed at the top, bottom or side is up to the web designers.

    Are online competitions a good way to increase the number of newsletter recipients?

    No. On the one hand, competitions motivate readers to sign up for a newsletter subscription, on the other hand, readers only act because of the competition. This means that many disinterested readers also end up in the email distribution list. Therefore, it is worthwhile for the marketing and sales department to carefully consider which method they use to increase newsletter recipients.


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