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    In which cases is it worth investing in a WordPress CMS?
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    In which cases is it worth investing in a WordPress CMS?

    Magento? Jimdo? Wix? Or WordPress after all? Content managers look for a suitable content management system when they either relaunch a website or create a new online presence. Once a decision has been made, the next questions immediately arise: How much does the system cost? Do we need a professional or can we do it all ourselves?

    As a digital marketing agency, ONELINE emphasises: The content management system ideally fits the respective company situation.

    Numbers prove facts

    59.6 percent. What does this figure stand for? Exactly: it is visible proof of the popularity of WordPress. Especially for websites that prefer a prefabricated content management system, WordPress enjoys a high ranking. There are good reasons for this

    Why does this CMS enjoy global popularity?

    • Beginners and advanced users understand WordPress CMS because it is intuitive.
    • The plug-in system impresses with its diversity.
    • Adaptable: for all types of projects.
    • Helpful SEO plugins are available to users of this CMS.
    • WordPress is an open source programme.
    • The users have no programming knowledge.

    SEO-friendly and secure

    Search engines like Google and Bing prefer websites that are search engine optimised. And that’s what the WordPress CMS stands for. Thanks to the CMS framework, search engines can crawl the website more easily.

    Hackers and attacks. The two terms stand for experiences that spread fear. That is why companies and private individuals want one thing from their CMS: security. Even though a website can never be completely “secure”, WordPress offers its users numerous security plugins.

    As an online marketing agency, ONELINE recommends the Sucuri Security WordPress plugin. Because web design without security plugins offers no protection against malware attacks and threats. These are the advantages that make Sucuri stand out:

    • Free for WordPress users
    • Monitored: file integrity, security activities and the block lists
    • Users receive security notifications
    • The plugin provides post-hack security measures

    Web design without previous knowledge

    Web design requires code knowledge? That was once upon a time. Instead, WordPress makes use of its diverse collection of different themes. These make web design much easier. Users can design their online presence according to their wishes – without any programming knowledge

    Stars, world-famous companies and media use WordPress CMS

    Are there reasons why users benefit from this CMS? Indeed. Users who are undecided about whether this CMS is suitable for them can use the experience of well-known companies and personalities as a yardstick. Experience plays an important role in online marketing. So if a large number of TV stations, celebrities, magazines or newspapers rely on WordPress sites, then it can only be a CMS worth recommending. The following examples serve as proof for world-famous WordPress users.

    World-famous companies use WordPress CMS
    • The New York Times uses the advantages of this CMS. All reports appear – analogous to the newspaper – below the header. The New York Times thus provides proof that a successful web design serves as a tool for the recognition value of a firmly established brand.
    • Mercedes Benz and Renault rely on WordPress for an appealing web presence. The latter car manufacturer cleverly uses its corporate colours to enhance recognition. In addition, large images appeal to website visitors. They encourage them to stay longer; a long text does not have this ability. In addition to the pictures, the home page contains press releases, job advertisements and news.</
    • James Bond, Beyoncé and Katy Perry move into the spotlight with this CMS. The website of the most famous fictional secret agent is a successful combination of plain white and the upcoming cinema film. The cleverly integrated Twitter feed leads website visitors directly to the news. Katy Perry also relies on white as a background colour. However, to bring life to her online presence, she decorates it with colourful images.

    Responsive web design for mobile devices harmonises with WordPress

    Responsive design is the best possible solution for many websites: it reduces costs and scores points with its SEO friendliness. In addition, ONELINE as an online agency points out that Google shows websites that are not optimised for mobile devices far down in the search results pages. Fortunately, WordPress does not require a complete overhaul because the majority of themes are responsive anyway.

    The secret of WordPress lies in the continuous improvement of the CMS

    Why does the content management system always find new followers? What makes WordPress different from its competitors? – It lives by the principle of Philip Rosenthal:

    “If you stop getting better, you have stopped being good.”

    WordPress developers take this quote seriously. They live it. Matt Mullenweg is not only the co-founder of the popular CMS, but also an advocate of continuous development – without authority. At least that is what the WordPress community proves, because numerous volunteers promote permanent <strong>continous development.</strong> That is why this CMS is future-proof.

    The approach of continuous improvement is also demonstrated by WordPress with the facts. Worpress was released in May 2003. The fifth version has been on the market since December 2018. This is used by 87% of all WordPress websites. The latest 5.7 version was launched on 9 March 2021.

    Proportion of WP-versions used


    The top 4 prove why it is worthwhile in numerous cases:

    • Any website can be created with this CMS
    • Web designers enjoy full control over their web presence
    • SEO is at number 1 with this CMS
    • Themes and plugins offer numerous extension possibilities
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